Appreciating Differences Thru Colours

It makes it so much easier when we think about people if we can categorize them. At the same time we know that everyone in the world is unique. There are tall people, short people, old people, young people, quiet people and boisterous people. It would help if we had some words that would describe people's personality. In this instruction unit we are going to group people by their temperaments. A couple of thousand years ago Hippocrates saw that people behaved in roughly four basic patterns that are known as temperaments. Unfortunately, he called them: sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholic, and choleric (names of fluids in the body). To make it easier to remember we are going to use colours for each of the four temperaments: Orange, Green, Blue and Gold, and to help us to remember their meaning we will use an adjective with each one as well: Action Orange, Analysing Green, Empathic Blue and Dependable Gold.

Empathic Blue
Dependable Gold
Analysing Green
Action Orange

To help you determine your strongest colour, print off this Appreciating Differences Thru Colours worksheet and have it handy as you follow through this material.

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