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Appreciating Differences Thru Colours Temperament Sorter

This quiz was made up based of statements in David Keirsey's book Please Understand Me II. You can print out this page (3 pages) and rate each statment to determine your possible temperament colour.

This quiz is not researched and is only intended to give you some idea of your temperament. As far as I know there is no quiz or other insturment that will give you a 100% guaranteed answer as to what your temperament is. At best, you can only make a statment such as "right now I have a preference for a Blue temperament." It is believed that we are born with a specific dominant temeprament that remains dominant within us all of our lives. It is always helpful to do more reading and take workshops to give you a clearer understanding of the concept of temperament and how it applies to your life and to the lives of others.

Temperament Sorter

Rate how each statement as it applies to the "real" you. 4 - Always (85 - 100%), 3 - Usually (50 - 84%), 2 - Sometimes (15 - 49%), 1 - Rarely (1 - 14%), and 0 - Never (0%).

Analysing Green
___ I like to analyse things to understand how they work.
___ It is important for me to feel competent.
___ Only I know if I am competent. Others are not really in a position to judge.
___ Acquiring knowledge is very important for me.
___ I am my own worst critic.
___ I am constantly assessing my abilities.
___ My goal is to master all there is to know within my domain of interest.
___ I often find that so-called “experts” don’t know what they are talking about.
___ Even with all my achievements I often feel on the verge of failure.
___ Recreation is necessary and has to be scheduled.
___ I often believe that others know very little, but I still expect them to live up to my high standard.
___ I tend to express myself in terse, compact and logical comments.
___ When necessary, I can be logical, ruthless, taking the necessary action required, even when it causes me regret and sorrow.
___ I live for my work. Work is play and play is work.
___ My constant search is to find out why.
___ I like to explore ideas.
___ I am interested in change for change sake, just to see what will happen.
___ The past is dead and gone for me. I look mainly to the future.
___ I enjoy figuring out what is happening more than I enjoy participating.
___ My need is for power. Power is knowledge, knowing how the physical world works.
___ Total Green

Dependable Gold
___ To belong to various social groups is important to me.
___ I believe that one has to earn one’s sense of belonging in a specific group.
___ I would much rather be a giver than a taker.
___ I have a parental attitude towards the world. I feel a responsibility to look out for others.
___ I can quite accept situations in which I feel bound and obligated.
___ I follow a work ethic and feel those who follow a play ethic are neglecting their duties.
___ I can easily accept the Boy Scout motto of “Be Prepared” as my own personal motto.
___ In Aesop’s fable of “The Ant and the Grasshopper” I identify with the industrious ant.
___ I tend to put a lot of effort into society’s institutions, such as family, church, service clubs and local government.
___ When I attend a party, I really want to help the host or hostess in some way.
___ I find it easier to save than spend.
___ When asked to perform a task, even though I am already very busy, I find it very difficult to say no.
___ I feel it is an honour to be elected to some office.
___ My heritage is very important to me.
___ I find I am resistant to change even when I know it is necessary or inevitable.
___ I don’t believe that “possession is nine-tenths of the law.” If it belongs to someone it should be returned.
___ I find it very hard to forgive others unless I feel they are truly sorry for what they have done.
___ It is important for me to give a good day’s work for a good day’s pay.
___ When judging most situations, I can easily decide what is right and what is wrong.
___ My need is to have status (to know my place in society’s various hierarchies.)
___ Total Gold

Action Orange
___ Today must be enjoyed. Tomorrow may never come.
___ I feel really alive when I am able to act on my impulses.
___ I thrive in situations where the outcome is not known.
___ I need the freedom to test my limits.
___ In a crisis I act quickly and use all my abilities.
___ I quickly become disinterested when there is no variety in what I am doing.
___ Tools fascinate me. I must try them out.
___ Friends would consider me as exciting, cheerful, light-hearted and full of fun.
___ I am easily bored with repetitive situations.
___ I like to try new things.
___ Setbacks are only temporary.
___ Waiting for something to happen is torture.
___ Life is an adventure.
___ I have developed a number of skills because I felt an urge just to keep at them until I had mastered them.
___ Having to rehearse or prepare is very frustrating. I just want to get on with it.
___ Even at my job, if I enjoy it, I think of it as play.
___ I like jobs that have a lot of action in them.
___ When any of my relationships, of whatever kind, ends, I can move on rather quickly.
___ In Aesop’s fable of “The Ant and the Grasshopper” I identify with the playful grasshopper.
___ I enjoy making an impression on others.
___ Total Orange

Empathetic Blue
___ “Becoming” is more important to me than “belonging.”
___ I am on a constant search for “self” and since I am not sure what “self” is, I have never quite found it.
___ My purpose in life is to have a purpose in life.
___ My desire is for self-actualization: to be and become real.
___ I find I easily become what others want me to become.
___ To think of myself as but a grain of sand on an immense beach fills me with despair. I need to feel unique.
___ I must find meaning in the way I use my time and how I enter into relationships.
___ I must present myself to others as I truly am. To do otherwise is to lack integrity.
___ I am very aware of others’ emotions and feelings.
___ When I am in a relationship of whatever kind, I can spend immense amounts of effort maintaining it.
___ What I do for others, I do not expect them to do the same for me; but I must have some response from them.
___ I find it easy to speak and write fluently.
___ Any cause I espouse must have meaning for me to stay involved with it.
___ I feel I can see potential in everyone and I delight in helping them find it.
___ I frequently attend workshops and/or read in an attempt to find “answers.”
___ “Be real, authentic and meaningful” could well be my motto.
___ When I create something, it rarely lives up to my initial vision of it.
___ I can be an intellectual butterfly, flitting from idea to idea without really mastering any of them.
___ I think of the possibilities of people.
___ I have a need is to be in a relationship. I am not content to be an "island onto myself."
___ Total Blue
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