Jack Falt - Appreciating Differences Thru Colours
Temperament - Interaction Styles - Jung/Myers Personality
Personality Dimensions™ - MBTI® - Enneagram - Emotional
Temperament, Interaction Styles and Jung/Myers Personality
Type are three related concepts that help understand individual personalities
and mental processes. Jack Falt is a trained facilitator in several methodologies:
For temperament: his own Appreciating Differences Thru Colours, and Personality
Dimensions™. For Jung/Myers Personality Type: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®*
or MBTI® instrument. The Self-Discover Process™ or TRI Methodology™
includes - temperament, interaction styles, Jung/Myers personality type
and the eight cognitive processes of Jung. Jack is no longer activley giving
workshops and presentations.
Appreciating Differences is an ongoing
group led by Jack Falt that looks at the many areas of the working world
and personal life to which the above very practical concepts can apply.
In the past the group has studied temperament, Jung/Myers personality types
as well as the Enneagram and Emotional Intelligence. The group is presently
studying the origins of religion and personal spirituality.
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