Mannequin representing a Viking spearman
(displayed at the Jorvik Viking Centre, York)
Photo © S. Alsford
Viking and Anglo-Saxon warriors were very similarly equipped, although
in each case the more professional of them would have invested in better
arms and armour. The greater the amount of worked iron in a weapon or
an item of armour, the more expensive it would have been. In the tenth
and eleventh centuries, when relatively peaceful conditions encouraged a
growth in trade and agriculture, and prosperity spread, it appears that
larger numbers of men were able to afford some of the more expensive items.
It is hard to say quite where residents of burhs or wiks fitted into
this picture. But we should keep in mind that domestic items used for
non-military purposes, such as tools for cutting wood, slaughtering
livestock, or hunting could have served many of those called
to defend their burhs. On the field of battle, underequipped soldiers
may have been used in auxiliary roles.
Spears, comprising an iron head riveted to a wooden shaft, were by far
the most common weapon, for soldiers from all ranks in society. There
were a number of reasons for this. Incorporating relatively little iron,
they were more affordable than swords. They were an effective all-purpose
weapon, not least for those soldiers with less training or fighting skills,
useful for keeping at a distance an opponent swinging sword or axe; while
offensively, the spear could be used single-handed stabbing downwards from
an over-arm position (using the other hand to protect oneself with shield),
or double-handed for a thrust with enough momentum to penetrate mail armour.
And, in a mass battle a line of troops several soldiers deep, protected by
a wall of shields and a hedge of spears, provided an effective obstacle to
attackers, particularly horsemen, as the Battle of Hastings showed. As a last
resort, a spear could also be thrown, although a soldier might have one or more
lighter spears, of a javelin type, for throwing; the normal fighting spear
had a broader head, as illustrated above.
Swords were relatively uncommon weapons; archaeologically they are far less
in evidence, although this must be partly because many were handed down from
one generation to the next. Axes were even less common. Axes and swords
were offensive weapons and were probably largely restricted to the
professional warriors, such as the huscarls, who could use them to best effect.
In terms of protective equipment, helmets were an important investment, since
the upper part of the skull was particularly vulnerable to sword and axe swings;
they seem to have become increasingly commonly-owned items between the time
of Alfred and the Conquest. Simple domed metal helmets, presumably with some
kind of interior padding and means of fastening firmly atop the head, were
the norm; sometimes a nose-guard (as above) was incorporated, and far less
frequently (due to expense) chain-mail extensions to protect the lower part of
the head, neck, and even the upper shoulders. Shields must have been even
more common than helmets, being the least dispensable item of defensive equipment,
and inexpensive because made of wood, with some leather reinforcement.
They were normally round and often decorated in some way.
Chain-mail shirts (later known as hauberks), sometimes incorporating a hood,
seem to have been the preserve of professional warriors, who learned to fight
bearing that heavy load. Lesser soldiers do not seem to have employed any
soft body-armour (i.e. padded clothing).

This reconstruction of a Viking long ship
(the Mjøsen Lange) illustrates how shields may have
been transported while under sail, by ranging them along the gunwales,
in a sort of battlemented effect that would have given the crew a
measure of protection from the elements.
Photo © S. Alsford
Neither Vikings nor Anglo-Saxons made heavy use of bow and arrow
in pitched battles, although the weapon was used in skirmishes,
to pick off individual opponents. Nor did they have cavalry.
The Anglo-Saxons used horses only to carry them to wherever
the enemy was to be found, although they fought only on foot.
The need to possess at least one horse, along with appropriate
arms and armour, militated against regular fyrd service by any
but the upper classes.

TMannequin representing a Norman
cavalryman (displayed at the Yorkshire Museum).
Photo © S. Alsford
The key difference in 1066 between the trops of the Normans and
Anglo-Saxons or for that matter of the Vikings who were the
Norman antecedents was that the Normans employed both archers
and cavalry, and had adapted their battle strategy accordingly.
Cavalry required slightly different equipment from infantry. Already
Anglo-Saxon soldiers had been starting to adopt kite-shaped shields
(as illustrated above), which provided better protection down the
length of the body. Horsemen, more susceptible to strikes at their flanks
or those of their mounts,found such shields essential to protect the
side whose arm held the horse's reins (usually the left), while with the
other arm they used the spear still the primary weapon either
in the overarm stabbing (or throwing in the case of lighter spears) fashion
or couched under the arm as a lance, using the weight and speed of the horse
to give force to the spear thrust.
Similarly, the mail shirt, modified to allow operating from horseback and sometimes
to extend protection to upper leg and arm, was fairly common the
Bayeux Tapestry shows about 39% of the Norman soldiers depicted with armour;
infantry were less likely to have it. Nose-guards seem to have been
a standard feature of Norman helmets, which were a little more conical
by this date. Norman cavalry, as the elite fighters, were also
equipped (as back-up) with swords, but again not the infantry. Axes might be
used, but the Bayeux Tapestry suggests they were more common among the Anglo-Saxons
in 1066. The bow was mainly, but not exclusively, an infantry weapon; the Norman force
at Hastings probably included both archers and crossbowmen, both of whose missiles
could pierce chain-mail.
The Norman strategy at Hastings of directing missiles (e.g. arrows, javelins) into
the enemy line, with a view to demoralizing, goading, and creating gaps that would
enable the cavalry to break through, was initially unsuccessful, in part because the
upwards slope of attack took the steam out of cavalry charges; it took a lapse
of discipline from some of the Anglo-Saxons to give the opening the Normans' needed.
Nonetheless, this was esentially the strategy continued in use throughout the remainder
of the Middle Ages, as Norman cavalry evolved into English knights.
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