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Professional Handout Review by Jack Falt

Murray, Wm D.G. & Walsh, Peter, Energy Flow of Psychological Type, Gladwyne, PA: 
Type & Temperament Inc., 1990, 32 pp. Info sheets - 2 pp

This is a set of sheets that indicates in a visual way the type dynamics of each of the sixteen types. This appears as a rather stylised figure showing the amount of energy flowing in or out depending on the dynamic of each of the four functions. The diagrams comes from Murray’s book Give Yourself the Unfair Advantage. There are two sheets for each type, one facing in either direction. These could be used to make overheads, overlaying two types facing one another.

With the emphasis on including type dynamics in basic workshops, these handout could useful in your presentation. There is no leader’s guide, but there is an information sheet that describes the energy flow of an ENTP. I gather that it is assumed that the facilitator can take this as an outline and apply it to any of the other fifteen types.

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