Appreciating Differences - Jack Falt - Ottawa area, Ontario, Canada

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Professional Handout Review by Jack Falt

Otis, Gerald; Quenk, Alex; Quenk, Naomi; & McCaulley, Mary, Twenty Questions: Practice in Thinking About Type, Gainesville, FL: Centre for Applications of Psychological Type, 1982, 1986, 1 pp, Leader’s Guide - 2 pp

This one page handout is meant to be used with people who are quite knowledgeable about type and to help them think in terms of type in practical situations. It is meant to be used in a group setting. There are twenty multiple choice questions with four possible types to choose from. The leader’s guide gives a rational for the type most likely to be the answer and also why some of the other types would be chosen. The quiz is a way for people to test their knowledge of Jung/Myers theory as well as to promote discussion on how to apply the theory to everyday situations.

This handout would be useful as a warmup in a Chapter meeting or an ongoing study group. It could also be used as a fill-in at a workshop where the theory is being applied to more advanced topics and the participants have already covered and understand the basic theory. It would be interesting to have people devise their own questions, calling on their own experience using the Jung/Myers theory in their daily life.

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