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Book Review by Jack Falt

Eldridge, Bev & Mackenzie K. Bodnar, Emotionality: A Guide to Helping Professions, Teachers, Counsellors, and Life Skills Coaches: Information, handouts, and activities for use in introducing the topic of Emotional Intelligence, Concord, ON: Career/LifeSkills Resources Inc., 2003, ISBN 1-894422-42-2, 112 pp, CD-ROM of handouts in PDF format. Includes bibliography.

The topic of Emotional Intelligence has come to the forefront as the result of the book by Goleman, Daniel, Emotional Intelligence: Why it Can Matter More than IQ. The first standardized test of Emotional Intelligence was published by Dr. Reuven Bar-On in 1997. Bar-On identified fifteen factors of Emotional Intelligence and the exercises Eldridge and Bodnar have developed are based on these fifteen factors.

The book consists of a description of each factor, an exercise sheet that describes the learning objectives, and the details of how to conduct the exercise, sometimes a script to be evaluated, and a worksheet.

The CD contains in PDF format a copy of each of the handouts to be printed out and distributed.

Those who have studied theJung/Myers theory have already spent a good deal of time on self understanding and interpersonal relations, so Emotional Intelligence is a good fit with personality types. There is formal training to become an Emotional Intelligence facilitator, but I can see any MBTI® trained facilitator having no difficulty using some of these exercises. I plan on using some of the exercises with my ongoing group.

The exercises are group oriented but just reading through the descriptions would give a good overview of Emotional Intelligence factors. The descriptions are well written and most of the articles can be done on one’s own.

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