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Booklet Review by Jack Falt

Berens Linda V., Linda K. Ernst & Melissa A. Smith, Quick Guide to the 16 Personality Types and Teams: Applying Team Essentials™ to Create Effective Teams, Huntington Beach, CA: Telos Publishing, 2004, ISBN 0-9743751-3-6, 64 pp, resources.

This booklet is designed as a handout at a teamwork Jung/Myers theory workshop. It gives a brief introduction to Jung/Myers theory and then looks at the issues all teams need to consider: (1) Who am I? Who are you? (2) Who are we together? (3) What are we here to do? (4) How are we going to do it? (5) How are we doing? Or how did we do?

The two-page descriptions for each type answers these questions in general terms. A snapshot or short paragraph describing the type is given and then how they perform on a team, giving potential blind spots. It looks at the type in relationships and how they deal with conflict. Their communication styles is examined. The processes, decision making styles, response to change, production and potential pitfalls of the type are examined.

The second part of the booklet looks at the five essential issues and has worksheets that look at them from a type preference, temperament, interaction style and cognitive dynamics point of view. A case study is outlined showing how all these factors are implemented.

Some of the content is a repeat of material from previous Berens booklets, but is included so that people new to her ideas will have the material available. The booklet is very readable and worthwhile examining even if you are not presenting a Berens style team building workshop.

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