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Book Review by Jack Falt

Dunning, Donna, TLC at Work: Training, Leading, Coaching All Types for Star Performance, Palo Alto, CA: Davies-Black Publishing, 2004, ISBN 0-89106-192-4, 209 pp, references, index.

Donna Dunning has become one of Canada’s most prolific authors in the last couple of years, writing several booklets and two major books. Having taken a career workshop with her, I find her a very competent leader with a warm, pleasant manner.

Dunning presents her material in a very logical and orderly way. She uses cartoons she  had created for her to represent the eight dominant function types as well as characters to point out detect and describe quizzes, question of balance sidebars, and quick tip pointers.

This book is for trainers, leaders and/or coaches, so the book begins with two chapters on how they can become more effective in their work: build relationships by establishing credibility, rapport and trust through an understanding of Jung/Myers theory and apply it to the work environment. After establishing a working relationship then it is important to facilitate development. A chapter is devoted to helping one learn the skills needed.

The next five chapters look at the five key areas to help clients/employees develop workplace competencies: self-responsibility, communication skills, mindfulness, productivity, and proactivity. Each of these chapters has a personal anecdote, and pointer for each dominant function type.

This is a professional development book that could be used as a textbook for training leaders and coaches, or as a book that would help professionals to sharpen or upgrade their skills in working with employees or clients.

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