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 Appreciating Differences Thru Colours Temperament Sorter

Before you start, read the information below so that you answer the sorter as the real yo.

The “Real” You: You are asked to rate each of the statements in the sorter as they applies to the “real” you. The real you is that part of you that is just being yourself without trying to pretend to be something else to please or impress other people. Probably most of the statements apply to you at one time or another; however, likely one of the colours is dominant in your personality. By rating the statements as the real you, you are more likely to determine your dominant colour. So, it is important to take the time to reflect a bit before rating each statement in the temperament sorter. Ask yourself, “If there was nobody around to please or impress, how would I really rate this statement.” There may be a lot of statements that you would like to have a high rating but in reality they just don’t represent the real you. Give these statements a low or zero score.

One dominant score: The ideal is to have one score that is dominant (numerically higher) and the other three ranging in order down below it. It is not really an advantage to have high scores in all four temperaments. Each temperament has its own motivation and having all four equally strong would create a problem knowing which motivation drives your life. It would be like trying to face in all four directions at once. It is worthwhile to be able to call on each of the temperaments as they are needed (this is temperament development), but it is also valuable to know what your core motivation is.

Two almost equal scores: Most people have one score that is significantly higher than the others. Occasionally, some people truly do have two scores that are equal or within a few points of one another. These can be described as blended temperaments. If this is how your score turned out, the positive side of this is that you are likely a very versatile personality. The down side is that you frequently would be faced with deciding which inner urge to follow. This may result in being indecisive and having difficulty in achieving the goals that are important to you.

Zero Scores: If one of the temperaments produces a zero score, this means that you never utilize that temperament in your life. This would be quite unusual as most people are able to switch temperaments to some degree. They may not be very good at using a non-dominant temperament, but probably at some point in their life they have had to. A zero temperament score may indicate a lack of opportunity to develop that temperament in early life as a result of severely restricted opportunities.

Click here to take the Appreciating Differences Thru Colour Temperament Sorter