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Read each of these statements and rank them according to your preferences. Write down the rankings on your worksheet.
Empathic Blue Values
Their main value is to have people work cooperatively with one another. Another key value is to have empathic relationships. They want the people they interact with to be aware of one another's emotional responses to situations and be tuned in to one another. When they can't have that kind of relationship, they feel a sense of loss and emptiness. They have to be authentic to themselves and demand authenticity from others who are important to them. They want everyone all over the world to get along. Despite the evidence to the contrary they still live in hope that someday that world will come about.
Dependable Gold Values
Just maintaining and preserving life, in a very physical sense, is so important to Golds. They value the bonds of family, community and a loyalty to to their country. Hierarchy and knowing one's place gives them a sense of who they are and where they fit into the grand scheme of things. They believe strongly in rules and regualations to presenve social groups. They constantly look to the past as a guide to how to conduct themselves in the present. They are slow to change as change risks failure. They would rather depend on the tried and true. It is important for things to stay just as they are. They can change but in very small steps.
Analysing Green Values
Greens value the seeking of knowledge and talking about knowledge. They want the "Truth." Concepts and ideas are their life blood. Everything should be open to study. Their friends often have a similar drive to answer the 'whys' of existence. It is important to use one's intelligence. They abhor the illogical and demand logical consistency. They relish a good discussion and are not easily offended when someone disputes their interpretation of  the facts. They want to understand whole systems and their logic. 
Action Orange Values
An apreciation of beauty and aesthetics is important to Oranges. They are so tuned in to the now of their environment that they want it to be a sensous, immediate experience. Variety is important. They are easily bored and need new things to stimulate them. They want experiences that will excite them. They crave adventure. They like to be able to perform and show off their prowess. They must have the opportunity to take action. Watching on the sidelines is not their style. Their friendships are fraternal. Equality for all.