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Pictures and Descriptive Words
Look at each of the pictures and read the words. Below is an explanation of the words. Rank order the pictures and words taken together as a unit, and transfer your results to the Pictures and Descriptive Words section of your worksheet

Explanation of the words
Empathic Blue
Integrity - walking the talk. Actually practising one's values
Authenticity - being who you are without pretending to be 
what you are not
Catalyst - bringing people together to effect change
Growth - striving to become a better person
Ethics - having a high standard of morals and values
Human potential - see the potential in everyone including yourself
Unity - see the connectedness of everyone
Empathic relationships - able to understand the feelings 
of others
Meaning & significance - want to know how everything fits into the grand scheme
Becoming one's true self - digging deep within yourself 
to find your purpose
Dependable Golds
Responsibility - see that what needs to be done gets done
Logistics - getting the right thing to the right place 
at the right time and not the wrong place
Conserve - waste not want not. Keeping things in good condition
Security - guard against dangers
Serivce - look for needs within the family or community 
and filling them
Membership - need to belong to have a place within the family 
and community
Traditions - like to repeat rituals that have significance
Stabliize - keep things steady as they always have been
Useful - need to feel needed
Duty - feel a moral obligation
Analysing Green
Knowledge - have power over the environment
Insight - can see patterns and meaning beyond 
what is observable
Ideas - seeing possibilites
Logic - use objective reasoning to solve problems
Categorize - able to sort objects, details or information
Understanding - want to find out why things 
are the way they are
Competence - have a personal standard of excellence
Strategies - create a long term overall plan
Design - create a model that incorporates function and elegance
Why? - an unceasing need to know
Action Orange
Now! - totally focused in the present
Impulse - suddenly filled with the energy to carry out a task
Trouble shoot - good at seeing solutions to immediate problems
Action - want to be doing something all the time
Impact - want others to notice their appearance and accomplishments
Performance - enjoy being the centre of attention
Spontaneity - want to be able to do things on the spur of the moment
Tactics - know what to do next
Aesthetics - appreciate beauty through the senses
Variation - want lots of different things to do
Skilful - natural talent in the physical world