Appreciating Differences Thru Colours Worksheet

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Print off this page so that you can determine your Colours
Rank each item in every row: 4 - most like me to 1 - least like me. Then rank the next best fit - 3 and giving the final chocie a value of 2.
Rank each item as the "real" you, not what you'd like to be. Ask yourself, "If it didn't really matter to anyone but me, which do I think best represent the real me?"

Animal Metaphors
Action Orange
Rank order ___
Dependable Gold
Rank order ___
Empathic Blue
Rank order ___
Analysing Green
Rank order ___
Pictures & Descriptive Words
Action Orange
Rank order ___
Dependable Gold
Rank order ___
Empathic Blue
Rank order ___
Analysing Green
Rank order ___
Talents and Skills
Action Orange
Rank order ___
Dependable Gold
Rank order ___
Empathic Blue
Rank order ___
Analysing Green
Rank order ___
Action Orange
Rank order ___
Dependable Gold
Rank order ___
Empathic Blue
Rank order ___
Analysing Green
Rank order ___
Core Needs
Action Orange
Rank order ___
Dependable Gold
Rank order ___
Empathic Blue
Rank order ___
Analysing Green
Rank order ___
Action Orange
Carpe dien (Seize the day)
Rank order ___
Dependable Gold
Early to bed, early to rise
Rank order ___
Empathic Blue
To thine own self be true
Rank order ___
Analysing Green
Be excellent in all things
Rank order ___

Now add up the rank order scores in each column and place them in the appropriate
Total of each column
Total for Action Orange ___ Total for Dependable Gold ___ Total for Empathic Blue ___ Total for Analysing Green ___
My Best Fit Colour Is: My Next Best Fit Colour Is:
My Third Best Fit Colour Is: My Palest Colour Is:

I mainly renew my energy the outer world - Extraversion: ___ I mainly renew my energy from my inner world - Introversion: ___