1 |
Crouched Friars
They established a friary here before 1272, perhaps taking over
an earlier wayside hospital, to which function it had returned by the
end of the Middle Ages (as well as serving as the meeting place for the
Gild of Holy Cross).
2 |
St. John's Abbey
Founded 1095/96, to the south of the southern suburb of the town,
Benedictine abbey replaced a small pre-Conquest church. The original abbey
was destroyed by fire (1133) and gradually rebuilt then expanded.
After the Dissolution, the abbey came into the hands of the Lucas family
(gentry). It, along with the rest of the Lucas property, was largely destroyed
during the siege of Colchester in 1648, except for the 15th century gatehouse.
3 |
St. Giles
Probably built in the first half of the 12th century for the use of
tenants and servants of the abbey, given its location within the abbey
precinct and the fact that the boundaries of the parish lay largely
within the abbey demesne. Possibly it succeeded an Anglo-Saxon wooden
church, dedicated to St. John, that was on the northern part of the
abbey site, just prior to the abbey's foundation. St. Giles was badly
damaged during the siege of 1648.
4 |
St. Botolph's
The earliest ecclesiastical building on the site may perhaps have been a minster
church dedicated to this saint, a 7th-century East Anglian abbot (after whom the
coastal port of Boston was named); this strongly suggests an Anglo-Saxon origin
for the structure. Churches with such dedications are not uncommonly found near
the entrances to settlements, for the saint was a patron of travellers. The presence
of a Roman cemetery around the site has even caused speculation that a church might
have stood there in much earlier times. The first St. Botolph's probably
functioned as the parish church of the
southern suburb; it was then
served by a small college of priests. In the last decade of the 11th
century it became the
of St. Julian and St. Botolph, the first
priory established in England, and as such granted authority over all
subsequent Augustinian foundations in England. Reverting to the role of
parish church after the Dissolution (if indeed part of it had not continued
in that role throughout the Middle Ages), when its conventual buildings
were pulled down, the church itself was badly damaged during the siege
of 1648.
5 |
St. Mary Magdalen
Founded as a hospital by Eudo the Steward,
to support four leprous residents, its chapel became a parish church and (unlike the hospital
per se) was able to survive the Dissolution. However, the
medieval church was replaced by a Victorian building in the
mid-19th century.
6 |
Magdalen Street
The road leading down to the port has been considerably foreshortened
by the map-maker.
7 |
The Hythe
Perhaps the port for the Roman city; in the late Middle Ages it was
referred to as New Hythe,
a different haven (Old Hythe) having been used in the Saxon period.
Building of a footbridge there was licensed in 1407, on condition it not block
the passage of ships.
8 |
St. Leonard's
A good-sized church here served the parish around the port during the
12th century, but surviving fabric is no earlier than late medieval.
9 |
East Street
The road pasing through the East Gate, down to the East Bridge, led to
routes into Suffolk (e.g. to Ipswich and Harwich).
10 |
North Bridge
There was a bridge here from Roman times. In the Middle Ages there
was a suburb on the far side of the bridge. The bridge marked the
boundary of the borough jurisdiction over the Colne fishery.
11 |
(site of) North Mill
A grain mill until the Black Death; in the second half of that century
it was converted to fulling.
12 |
Middle Mill
A grain mill until the Black Death, after which it was converted to
fulling, but rebuilt to handle grain at the beginning of the 15th
13 |
East Mill
14 |
Hythe Mill
There was a fulling mill somewhere near the Hythe in the late 14th century;
a grain mill had been built before 1428 by the bailiffs and community.
Both were derelict by the end of the Middle Ages.

This is a clickable imagemap. |
A |
St. Martin's
The tower and some minor elements date from the 12th century, while
much of the rest of the fabric is late medieval. There are some
reasons to think there may have been a church on the site in late
Anglo-Saxon times, perhaps even as far back as the end of the Roman
B |
St. Runwald's
Likely of late Saxon origin, judging from the dedication. Before it lay the main
market of the borough, and the medieval shambles were adjacent. Its central
placement within the High Street, without any surrounding churchyard, suggests
it could have been an intrusion into an already built-up area, possibly built
as a chapel serving the marketplace and only later acquiring parochial status
and a detached cemetery. However, an alternative hypothesis is that the original
street passed south of it but widening of the street to serve as a marketplace
involved demolition of buildings adjacent to the church, leaving it isolated
within an open area. It was itself demolished in 1878.
C |
St. Helen's chapel
Local legend perhaps
inspired by the impressive Roman walls had Helen
as a daughter of the mythical King Coel, ruler of Colchester, and
as the mother of the Emperor Constantine. Neither has historical
foundation; but more significantly St. Helen became viewed as patron
saint of the town her image was featured on the community seal.
The same medieval tradition had the chapel being restored in 1076 by Eudo
the Steward; if true, this might suggest an Anglo-Saxon origin, and there
is some indication the chapel was built atop the remains of a Roman
structure. Eudo gave it to the Abbey as part of his foundation
endowment and Henry II's grant of a fair and a fair site beside the
chapel was probably to fund a chantry in the chapel. But in 1290 the Abbot
was convicted of neglecting to provide a chaplain to celebrate in the chapel
during part of each week. Perhaps in part because of the resulting
impoverishment and decay of the chapel, ca. 1320 John de Colcestre, the rector
of Tendring (apparently a member of a prominent
burgess family), endowed a chantry there with numerous rents and land
to support a chaplain, and made the bailiffs and community the effective
patrons; they subsequently placed the chantry under the administration of
the Gild of St. Helen's (a fraternity of which many leading townsmen, as
well as some county dignitaries, were members) although retaining control
over presentments. It is possible this history reflects two chapels
of the same dedication: the earlier somewhere neighbouring the castle,
the later (possibly originally envisaged as a hospital) just west of it
on a site in Maidenburgh Street owned by St. Botolph's priory; yet it may be
that the abbey, having lost interest in a chapel perhaps originally created
to serve the castle but with inadequate or unrealizable financial endowment
for an expanded function, simply conveyed it to the priory, opening the way
for a refoundation.
D |
St. Nicholas
In existence at least by the 12th century, but rebuilt in the 14th, and
again in the 1870s, finally to be demolished in 1955. Parts of the
church had Roman walls for their foundation, although the Roman structure
was probably secular, not ecclesiastical. The position of the church,
close to the centre of the walled borough and at one end of the
High Street marketplace (the dedication being to a patron saint of
traders) could suggest an early origin, perhaps around the tenth or
eleventh century when the High Street seems to have re-emerged as
the socio-economic focus of the town.
E |
All Saints
There remains minor evidence of Norman work in the church, although it is
not impossible that there was an even earlier church, given the location
and the incorporation of brickwork from an even earlier Roman structure
(this part of town being the forum/basilica). It was expanded in the
14th and 15th century, with a tower and other additions.
F |
St. Mary's-at-the-Wall
Built on the site of a Roman house, with the original church perhaps of
Saxon date (judging from burials in the vicinity), it may have been
created as, or come to be, the private church of an estate of the Bishop
of London (a soke outside the jurisdiction of borough authorities).
Joseph Elianore obtained royal
licence in 1338 to found a chantry there which during the 1340s he endowed
with numerous lands and rents. The earliest known school in Colchester was
located here in the 15th century. The church's proximity to the wall made
it a defensive position, and target for the besiegers, in 1648. It was
ruinous when rebuilt in the next century, to be demolished (except for
its tower) in 1872.
G |
St. James
A church stood here from at least the 12th century (although that may
have been a rebuilding of an earlier structure). There was further and
substantial rebuilding in the 15th century.
H |
St. Peter's
The only Colchester church mentioned by name in Domesday, when evidently
already well-endowed with lands. Its key position near the junction
of two major streets also indicates its importance in the town. The
surviving medieval fabric is, however, 15th century. The depiction in
1648 still reflects the medieval cruciform plan of the church, with
a prominent tower (replaced in the 18th century) at the centre.
I |
Holy Trinity
It still has its Saxon tower, dating to ca.1000, constructed in part from
brick and tile from Roman structures; there is evidence that part of the
church dates even earlier. Parts were rebuilt in 14th and 15th
J |
Grey Friars
This Franciscan priory, whose grounds occupied the north-east corner of
the land within the walls, was founded before 1279, and possibly
by 1237. Little has been found by way of remains.
K |
East Gate
Badly damaged during the siege of 1648, the remains were torn down a
few decades later.
L |
Botolph's Gate
Destroyed in 1823.
M |
Schere Gate
A postern.
N |
Head Gate
Removed 1756.
O |
Balkerne Gate
The western entrance to the walled city during Roman times (remains of
the Roman gateway still stand), it fell out of use towards the end of
the Roman period and was subsequently blocked; the road leading there
from East Gate was thereafter stopped at North Hill, with traffic being
diverted to the Head Gate as an exit to roads leading westwards and to
London. The Balkerne gate was in later times thought to have been a
fort. It was once thought that a postern gate existed further south
in the western stretch of wall near St. Mary's, and may have been used
as entrance/exit during medieval times; but this was subsequently
discovered to have been only an opening for a drain to pass through
the wall. We can therefore conclude that the map's creator is
depicting the Balkerne.
P |
North Gate
Q |
North Schere Gate
R |
High Street
This east-west route was the main one through the town; it ran along
the crest of a ridge and follows quite closely one of the streets of
the Roman fort/colonia, except that the east end was diverted slightly
when the Norman castle was built. As the centre of the town, it was
the location of various markets specializing in particular goods. The
point marked by the "R" was the site of the medieval corn market.
S |
East Street
T |
Botolph Street
Site of the fair held at the opening of oyster season.
U |
St. Martin's Lane
The Jewish quarter was primarily focused here, nearby market and
V |
It is curious that this is not identified on Speed's map. Though our earliest
mention of it is in 1277, it had been built probably as early as the
mid-twelfth century, as a two-storey stone building facing onto
the High Street marketplace, with a hall placed above an undercroft that
was partially above-ground. The hall must have served as the court-house.
Alterations in 1373, which included converting the undercroft into a wool market,
extended the front (southern face) of the building into the marketplace, with the
addition of steps up to the entrance, a roofed porch, and shops on either side of
the porch. The building extended northwards with a rear yard where market stalls
could be put up, as well as housing for council-chamber, bureaucratic offices,
and gaol though whether these were original features or later additions
is unclear. The moothall was demolished in 1843, borough administration
having long outgrown the building's facilities. At that time a Norman doorway and
flanking windows, elaborately decorated, were discovered therein (sketched before being
pulled down). The architectural and decorative styles reflect a French influence
evidenced elsewhere in England by ca. 1160; one of the carved figures might just
possibly have represented King Solomon, whose reputation as a wise judge would have
been an appropriate reminder to officials presiding over the borough court.
After the moothall's demolition, a new town hall was built on the site.
W |
Medieval tradition held that the castle
had been built atop the foundations of King Coel's castle. It has been
suggested that this might reflect the former occupation on
part of the site by the residence of an ealdorman or even an East Essex