St. Mary, Burnham Deepdale
Photo © S. Alsford
St. Mary's has been the parish church of the Norfolk coastal village of
Burnham Deepdale since the eleventh century. The flint round tower was once
assumed to evidence a Saxon origin for the church. However, identification
of Norman influences on the tower architecture now suggest that it was
built after 1066, but using traditional techniques. It is possible that the
tower could have been an addition to church.
Round towers were not uncommon in East Anglia, although far fewer in other
parts of the country. Although they incorporate Anglo-Saxon architectural
features, often these are combined with Norman features. It was likely
an Anglo-Saxon form that continued to find favour with builders up into
the early twelfth century. Why some towers were round is not known for
certain. The argument that it was easier to build a round form than a
square-cornered one, when using flint (other types of stone being less
common in Norfolk), has now been rebutted. A defensive
purpose for the towers is also doubted, since those towers that can be
dated with confidence post-date the period of Viking invasions. It has
also been suggested that there may be a connection with King Athelstan's
ruling (937) that for any man to claim the status of thegn, his land
had to have a bell tower on it. However, the reason may simply be
cultural influence of Viking settlers, since the earliest round towers
were built, in the tenth century, in northern Germany and Scandinavia.

St. Mary Coslany, Norwich
Photo © S. Alsford
The round tower of St. Mary Coslany is also felt to be a product of the
intermixing of Anglo-Saxon and Norman techniques. Other evidence
supports the possibility that there would have been a church here, with or
without a tower, before the Conquest. The tower, even if early Norman,
is probably the oldest structure in Norwich. The main body of the present
church, however, dates from 1477. In 1974 the church was made redundant
and has been used as a crafts and antiques centre; it is in the care of
Norwich Historic Churches Trust.
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