The mayor, with the 24, chamberlains and common councillors shall gather together at St. Margaret's church for the annual obit of John Burghard, on pain of 12d. fine for non-appearance without a reasonable excuse. All
[members] of the 24 who are present at the celebration of any religious festival shall seat themselves in the choir in an orderly fashion, on pain of 12d. fine for each default. The chamberlains shall reimburse them for their oblations, from borough revenues, when they attend these services.[The last sentence was a slightly later addition, in the same hand as the ordinances that followed. Burghard was a leading merchant of the 1320s and '30s, several times mayor. His will (1339) made unusally large provision for charitable bequests, including to the poor and infirm of Lynn and to the repair of public roads and bridges; many of his property bequests were conditional upon the perpetual commemoration of the anniversary of his death, and much of this property along with the obligation of the obit, to be attended by the mayor was bequeathed to the borough by one of Burghard's daughters. The ordinance has been struck through, although this was probably a consequence of the Tudor Reformation.]