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Book Review by Jack Falt

Hyde, Maggie and McGuinness, Michael, Jung for Beginners, (Also Introducing Jung and Introducing Jung, 2nd Edition), Avon. GB: Icon Books, 1992, ISBN 1 874166 05 6, 175 pp, illus..

Platania, Jon & Lee, Joe, Jung for Beginners, New York, NY: Writer and Readers Publishing, Inc., 1997, ISBN0-86316-184-7, 150 pp, illus.

These two books are well worth reading as an introduction to Jung. They are done in a comic book style; however, that does not detract from their coverage of Jung’s life and his concepts. They are a good first start before diving into something heavier.

They both have the same title, but now I see that the British version has changed it to Introducing Jung. I am assuming that there were copyright problems and one of them had to give in.

It is interesting to see how two authors and two illustrators deal with the same material. Sometimes when reading Jungian material it is hard to imagine what things look like, e.g. the sun with a penis wagging out of it. It’s all there in its glory. I found the drawing rather garish but they do get their point across.

These books are useful for those who are very visual in the way they learn best. There are lots of illustrations that can be used in personal presentations on both Jung/Myers theory and Jung. I like the one of Jung representing the four functions (pg. 55, Platania).

These books are fun to read and are the next best thing to “Instant Jung.”

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