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Book Review by Jack Falt, INFJ

Demarest, Larry, Out of Time: How the Sixteen Types Manage Their Time and Work
Gainesville, FL: CAPT, 2001, ISBN 0-935652-3, 46 pp

This booklet is a handout for a time management workshop based on Jung/Myers theory. It is in an attractive format at a reasonable price.

Larry Demarest is also the author of Looking at Type™ in the Workplace. He is a trainer and organizational development consultant having long experience with the MBTI® instrument.

After a general introduction of Jung/Myers theory, there are two pages devoted to each type. It looks at how each type goes about planning work. Then it looks at how each type is involved in interaction, motivation, and use of planners. The second page looks at what individuals of that type say about their style under typical approaches, time traps, getting back on track and procrastination.

Since each type description is laid out in an identical format, it makes it easy for a presenter to give general information about the topic of time under these headings. Having people comment on how they behave under these headings and then having them read the descriptions would reenforce the material.

More traditional time management programs are usually given in a one style fits all. Usually, the Judging types are telling the Perceiving types how to manage their time. The Jung/Myers individualized approach is likely to be much more helpful.

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