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Booklet Review by Jack Falt

Kummerow, Jean M. & Naomi L. Quenk, Understanding Your MBTI® Step II Results: A Step–By-Step Guide to Your Unique Expression of Type, Palo Alto, CA: CPP, 2003, ISBN - none, 27 pp.

This short booklet is meant as a handout to be given out to clients when going over with them the results of their reports which come as either a Step II Profile (three pages) or a Step II Interpretive Report (seventeen pages). The booklet would be useful with both single clients and with a larger group of people.

The booklet has several exercises to use with clients in, first, verifying their basic type, and then understanding the results of the facet scores. There is some basic information on the meaning of the four Jung/Myers theory code letters. Then there are point -form descriptions of the sixteen types.

In the Understanding Your Step II Results section, there are some diagrams explaining  how to interpret the scores of the facets in their bar graph form. There are two page tables listing the five facets for each of the four dichotomies of behaviour, giving point form information on the meaning of the extreme ends of the scales as well as the midzone scores.

The booklet discusses the meaning of out-of-preference or “OOPS” scores and lists the most common OOPS facets.

Clients are asked to try to relate their scores to their present lives. Also, there are some guidelines on how to use the results when faced with out-of-preference tasks.

Although the booklet is rather short, in combination with the actual print-out of the Step II results it could be quite helpful for clients. It is probably all clients can take in at one sitting. Then, when they are ready, they can dig deeper into the meaning of the results. The booklet is also a handy reference for the counsellor or workshop presenter to have all the facets and point-form meaning on one page.

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