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Book Review by Jack Falt

Pearman, Roger, Enhancing Leadership Effectiveness through Psychological Type, CAPT, Gainesville, FL, ISBN 0-935652-45-0, 60 pp

For trainers who are presenting a seminar on Leadership, this booklet is one that you will want to consider giving to all the participants. It is not intended as a stand alone handbook. In it each type is listed with the dominant and auxiliary functions noted. In a two-page format, key ideas about leadership are given for each type. They are in point form for easy reference and comparison between types. The descriptions include eleven areas of importance to leadership such as “basic habits of mind,” “blindspots,” and “stress related behaviour.” I found the author’s use of the phrase “basic habits of the mind” an interesting way of thinking about the dynamics of type.

Pearman introduces his book with the statement: “Leaders for the next millennium understand that leadership requires enhancing relationships and promoting creativity among members of an organization.” He sees this booklet as fostering these two key ideas. In a chart he notes that only 5.9% of success for a business is based on technical ability,  while 23.8% depends on relationship building. The booklet is very useful in summarizing the strengths and weaknesses of each type for leadership. At the same time it encourages leaders develop the full spectrum of skills, even ones that are not typical of their type.

Some other interesting charts list a set of behaviours and competencies and relate them to specific mental functions. E.g. The skill of listing all the key ideas about a topic is defined by the author as introverted Thinking.

An appendix gives a very abbreviated version of type theory. There is also a short reference section at the end of the booklet.

This is a booklet that facilitators will want to have for their libraries and possibly include in their handouts when doing leadership presentations.

Pearman has also written Hard Wired Leadership and I’m Not Crazy, I’m Just Not You. Besides being president of his own consulting company, he is a past president of APT. He has also edited a volume of the best articles of past APT Bulletin issues.

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